Yay! A List! Now I am fullfilled!!!!
Hello all. I have returned. You may resume standing in awe of my greatness. I would like to say however, that in real life I'm not actually this egotistical. I'm much worse.
No I'm kidding. I'm actually a pretty down to earth guy. I just think that all shall fall beneath my iron fist. Nothing personal.
Chris if you're out there, I took your advice and fixed the logo for your "band". Now it says "Doppelganger Effekt, it's spelt with an unlaut" (sorry I don't know where the unlaut character is on my keyboard) No but seriously I'll send you the finished version, unlaut and all.
Alright now that the fan mail has been answered on with the show. This week I thought I'd leave you guys with a list of my goals and dreams. Only some of them are completely made up. I'll leave it to you to figure out which ones.
So without further ado, I present in no particular order:
Matt's List of Things To Do Before I Die
- Read all of War and Peace. Not just tell people I have like everybody else does.
- Develop super powers. Use them for evil.
- End world hunger and cure disease. Maybe bring about peace on earth and goodwill to all men, if you get the time
- Use the word antidisestablishmentarianism in a sentence, one that is actually relevant to a conversation
- Take a bite out of crime.
- Build a bridge to the future. Then burn it once people start to cross.
- Diversify my portfolio.
- Actually have a portfolio.
- Teach a man to fish. Then break it to him gently that all the fish left are full of mercury.
- Kill a man in Rio just to watch him die.
- Become a hipster. Then brood, and complain about every band you like selling out. Oh wait I already did that one. My bad.
- Start a band, and become popular with the "in" crowd. Then sell out just to piss them off. "Their first album was better..."
- Steal from the rich and give to the poor. You know like the government. Only in reverse.
- Open a comic book/music shop. Then verbally abuse and berate your clientele. Because they're not worthy.
- Buy a house. Soundproof one room then stick drums a mini studio and a stage in it. Host and promote underground bands. Become drunk on your own power and influence in the scene.
- Start an on-line comic. Base all the characters on people you know. Then they'll pay.....
- Finish what you