This is the place where I say stuff. I promise not that it shall contain nuggets of truth, timeless wisdom, or even be at all sensical. It will most probably also not be witty and urbaine. If it is it's probably by accident. It will however be written by me, be spliced with my poetry and drawings, and it will rock. (maybe)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Once again I shall enlighten the philistines....

Hey there True Believers! (please don't sue Stan)

I bring you news and candy from the vast and barren wastelands of cyberspace. (Matt X claims no responsibility for the validity of his claims of free candy. Should you feel let down by the lack of availability of said proverbial "candy", or perhaps some sense of entitlement, Matt Co. Inc. offers the following statement: TFB.)

I've been experiencing some computer trouble this past little while, but rest assured I'm back and better than ever. The revolution will not be stopped!! Or, um, televised. Anyway, I'm gonna hit you guys with another one of my brilliant works of wordsmithery.

This one's called Note to Self. It's pretty simple and straightforward, but I like it.

Note to Self

Write yourself a note
Tell yourself to be okay
Throw yourself a rope
Make the shadows go away
Give yourself a hand
Only quitters bow out now
Take it like a man
Self expressions not allowed

Do what they say
You don't believe
It's just not your day
I think you should leave

Mouths full of knives
Fists wet and red
No one survives
Inside their head

Don't stay down
Get back up

Get up
Stand up

Don't let them push you around
Come back swinging
Knock em down

Run through the fires
Tear down the walls
Don't trust the liars
You're on the ball

Write yourself a note
Tell yourself to get it right
You are made of hope
Things will be alright

Yeah it's sort of cheesy, but it's self affirming and all that sh%t. Shut up. I never liked you.


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