This is the place where I say stuff. I promise not that it shall contain nuggets of truth, timeless wisdom, or even be at all sensical. It will most probably also not be witty and urbaine. If it is it's probably by accident. It will however be written by me, be spliced with my poetry and drawings, and it will rock. (maybe)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Ronald is Evil

Hey, here's another Vanguard poster by yours truly.
Let me know what you think, honestly. I'm still getting
the hang of this whole Illustrator thing, so if you see anything
that you think needs tweaking feel free to lemme know.

Matt X

I'll have more up soon, but I wanna finalize the other
poster's first.


Blogger Nothing more to say... said...

I love it! It's powerful. Afiya will be afraid to stop at exit 55 from now on though! LOL!

8:27 AM

Blogger Drew said...

I love it! That is friggin hilarious! Is it an anti McDonald's ad? I'm no fan of Rotten Ronnie myself.

12:24 PM

Blogger The ArtHog said...

Hey Matt- neat image, but it's too near lunchtime and now I want a Big Mac...
Curse You,
P.S.isn't Illustrator fun?

9:29 AM


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