This is the place where I say stuff. I promise not that it shall contain nuggets of truth, timeless wisdom, or even be at all sensical. It will most probably also not be witty and urbaine. If it is it's probably by accident. It will however be written by me, be spliced with my poetry and drawings, and it will rock. (maybe)

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Hey. Haven't written any new poems in awhile.
Thought I'd try freestyling it in here.
Here goes nothing:

We were the forgers of destiny
Better living through chemistry
building a future a better tomorrow
We were the leaders that everyone followed
We knew the answers to all of life's questions
We never stopped to ask for directions
Perfect Utopia danced in our heads
We never questioned a pipe made of lead
Or asbestos pajamas, cans of hairspray
toxic emissions from cars that we made
We kept on spraying that DDT
And building up nuclear energy
Clear cutting forests so we could have lumber
melting the ice caps just means longer summers
Pumping the water with industrial waste
carcinogenics are an acquired taste
We thought the good times would never end
Till we suddenly realized we couldn't pretend
There wasn't a problem, but it was too late
Ego and apathy had sealed our fate
We used up the planet with reckless abandon
And left ourselves no moral ground to stand on
So if any one's reading this, if anyone's left
We're sorry for leaving things such a mess


Blogger Nothing more to say... said...

Well said.

4:53 AM


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