
Hello. This is a character i designed, completely from
imagination, sans refference. His name,
(for lack of being able to think of a better one,
I'm open to suggestions.) is Luther.This dude is
supposed to be a rasta warrior, he has these huge
fist-glove things he uses as a weapon.
They weigh 100 pounds each, but they amplify
his strenghth 20 times over. He comes from
a cyberpunk future, where the internet has become
a means of transferring ones conciousness into
virtual reality, and hackers are the pirates,
warriors and knights of the new information age,
constantly fighting back against corporate rule
by the mega-military-industrial-conglomerates that
have long since usurped government. He is both a
top level hacker, a brilliant inventor/mechanic,
a competent pilot, and if necessary, a fierce warrior,
although he is an avowed pacifist, and tries to avoid
conflict whenever he can, which, unfortunately, proves
almost impossible in the times he lives in. Despite this,
he constantly tries to spare human life, seeing it as
precious. He is also a family man, and will forget
any thoughts of non-violence should the lives of his loved
ones be threatened, protecting them with the ferocity of
a grizzly. He is chief mechanic and pilot of the merchant
vessel/commune the Iron Lion. His friends know him as
a gentle giant and a poet, soft spoken and wise. His enemies
know him as and unstoppable force and a proud warrior.
heh. That all comes of kinda cornball huh? oh well.
I just made it up on the fly. I might turn it into a story,
and eventually a graphic novel. Who knows. Anyway here's the pic,
bear in mind this is the rough sketch, it needs to be painted
and he has no eyes at the moment, mainly because they weren't
turning out how I liked. I'll prolly cheat and do a shining eye
effect. It'll make him look tougher anyways. I'm not
terribly happy with the way the face turned out overall,
I'll probably redo it. The head's okey, but the eyes,
nose mouth seem off. I was trying to make him not look like
a white guy with brown skin, which is how most white artists
used to end up drawing anyone who wasn't white, unless of
course they were doing horrible racist caricatures. I was
going for authenticity, and trying to avoid both of the
aforementioned scenarios, but bear in mind that I was drawing
sans refference. The face is the part of the drawing in the least
happy with.
This is prolly my first real attempt at doing a painting of
somebody with darker skin tone, hopefully I don't mess it up.
I"m sure you guys will let me no if I do. ;)
Very interesting. A a warrior, a pacifist and a family man all in one!! Sounds like a combination of you, me, and Fidel Castro. Now that would be some messed up trinity right there. Keep us up to date.
8:47 AM
Taking about Luther.... check this out!
8:49 AM
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