This is the place where I say stuff. I promise not that it shall contain nuggets of truth, timeless wisdom, or even be at all sensical. It will most probably also not be witty and urbaine. If it is it's probably by accident. It will however be written by me, be spliced with my poetry and drawings, and it will rock. (maybe)

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Your boss sucks too, admit it

Hey there. I'm back. I've been a little stressed recently, what with the pressures of this modern world and the search for meaning in a universe that seems increasingly devoid of interesting people and/or independent thought. Actually it's mainly just school and work. I've been burning the candle at both ends you see, and it's staring to catch up with me I guess. Just seems like there's so much to do and so little time to do it in. Ah well, keep on trucking I guess.

Lately though I've been increasingly dissatisfied with my work situation, what with my working for a faceless corporation who actually list "deceased" as a possible choice when filling out a "reason for termination/leave of absence" form. At any rate, I've been looking for affirmation of my increasing feelings of ennui. That is to say, I want to tell my boss to stick this job where the sun don't shine. The main thing that keeps me from doing so, aside from acute procrastination, is my extreme dislike of looking for work. I guess in some ways I'm being a wuss, I should just take a chance, and somedays (like today for example) I really do contemplate straight up quitting, but I always seem to punk out and rationalize staying where I am awhile longer. Which is weird for me, because the longest I ever stayed in one place before this was 6 months. It's all coming to a boiling point, I've already gotten to the point where I feel a general feeling of contempt and loathing for just about any customer, (except the really nice ones) just on principle that they came into the store. Which is also weird for me, I usually am very much a people person. Maybe I'm changing, maybe I'm ***shudder*** growing up. I hope not, I aint ready to break out the suit and tie yet.

But I've come away from my main point: we all have or have had bosses that are just complete assholes, whose sole raison d'etre seems to be to derive pleasure from stepping on your neck wile they sandpaper off your nipples. Or something. Use whichever allegory you like.

The point is, we've all experienced it, unless you're one of those bastards whose never had to work, since you live of the money you've inherited, or the connections you never earned. If you find yourself to be one of these people you prolly related more to the nipple sander rather than sandee. If that's indeed the case, please do me a solid and punch yourself repeatedly in the face while clenching razor blades and rusty syphilis infected nails. Rinse and repeat until face is tender and unrecognizable as that of a human being, or for 3 hours, whichever comes first. (Note: sorry rich people, it's not that I really hate you or wish you ill, it's just that your usually evil pricks. So stop it.)

But i digress. Most amoungst us can relate. In that vein, I'll present to you this poem I wrote about a particularly nasty boss I had. My recent experiences have unfortunately been simmilar to this as well, awhich is why I thought I'd revisit this old "work"

Here ya go, enjoy

When I set myself on fire
Just to know I was alive
You were pouring on the gasoline
and sharpening your knives

When my tears poured like a river
from the ocean of my soul
You were damming up the waterways
and plugging up the holes

There's nothing I can say to you
that doesn't end in curse
I've known some grade A jerks before
but you might be the worst

You're corrosive, You're a cancer
You're the question no one answers
You're as fun as being last
You're like barefoot walks on glass
If I meet you on the street
through some capricious twist of fate
I'll have to summon all my will
to keep from bashing in you're face

There you go. Yeah, he was not the coolest person
in case you couldn't tell from that little bit of rhyme.
Have you ever had someone who hated you and treated
you like crap no matter what you said or did? Well, that was
this guy.


Blogger Etienne said...

"You're like a barefoot walk on glass."

Lovely metaphor. Congratulations.

2:50 PM

Blogger bazooka radio said...

Smash Bash Crash Bash?

8:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen very carefully! Never say "break out the suit and tie" and "yet" in the same sentence! How you gonna scare me like that? Geeze! Common now!

P.S. rqmvn(why do yo umake me validate before posting a comment? it's me)

P.P.S. Suit and tie! Pfff!

11:08 AM


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