This is the place where I say stuff. I promise not that it shall contain nuggets of truth, timeless wisdom, or even be at all sensical. It will most probably also not be witty and urbaine. If it is it's probably by accident. It will however be written by me, be spliced with my poetry and drawings, and it will rock. (maybe)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Burning heart, burning mind, burning up, burning out

I would set the world on fire
If it could save us from ourselves
I would bury all the liars
If I thought you'd see the truth
We are living for machines
We are products on a shelf
There's no end behind the means
Just a resource we abuse

I would tear down all these walls
If we could build a better world
When the empire finally falls
Will we be buried in debris?
When a system's built on blood
Staining the flags that we've unfurled
Does that not change the value of
Our great so-called democracy?

I would give up all these words
If I could find some that are true
So far all the things I've heard
do no justice to my heart
All the meanings have been lost
like the fervour of our youth
signed away, the hidden cost
inked in blood on your punch card

I would leave and not look back
if we could find a place for us
we could forget about the past
and build a future of our own
Would we make the same mistakes?
Decayed by rot of power and lust
Would we dig anew our graves?
Is that the curse of flesh and bone?

Still i can't help but believe
in my foolish love and peace
I'll die hopelessly naive
as I cling madly to ideals
Even if it burns me up
the flame of passion will not cease
until the spark of life is snuffed
and my final fate revealed

Monday, November 06, 2006


This is another drawing I did around the same time.
Not sure what the obsession with punks is, oh well.
Anyway, I had an idea for a series of paintings,
seven banes, and seven boons. They would all be
watercolour, small prolly 6x4. The idea was
to illustrate all the good things about/related
to humanity, and all the bad things (well categories
anyways.) So the boons would be like, faith, hope, love,
peace, joy, wisdom, and justice let's say. And then
conversely, the banes would be like death, despair,
greed, apathty, hate, ignorance and like, I dunno,
telemarketing. No er, maybe selfishness? I'm not sure.

Anyway, this sketch is sort of a (very rough) planning
sketch of how that painting (despair) would look.
Of course the guy in the painting prolly wouldn't
be a punk, and he wouldn't have like the physique
of a powerlifter, but hey i was bored on the bus okay?

Anyway, I have no idea when this alledged project
will be finished/started, but I'm writing it down
here in the hopes that maybe you people will
keep me honest, and like ask me when I'm gonna
get of my ass and paint. Course, the problem isn't
so much that I'm sitting on my ass, but rather that
I don't have any time to sit down and do anything
really, while I'm in school. Maybe bother me about
it around Christmas break.

Alright, much love

Matt X

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Hey. Haven't written any new poems in awhile.
Thought I'd try freestyling it in here.
Here goes nothing:

We were the forgers of destiny
Better living through chemistry
building a future a better tomorrow
We were the leaders that everyone followed
We knew the answers to all of life's questions
We never stopped to ask for directions
Perfect Utopia danced in our heads
We never questioned a pipe made of lead
Or asbestos pajamas, cans of hairspray
toxic emissions from cars that we made
We kept on spraying that DDT
And building up nuclear energy
Clear cutting forests so we could have lumber
melting the ice caps just means longer summers
Pumping the water with industrial waste
carcinogenics are an acquired taste
We thought the good times would never end
Till we suddenly realized we couldn't pretend
There wasn't a problem, but it was too late
Ego and apathy had sealed our fate
We used up the planet with reckless abandon
And left ourselves no moral ground to stand on
So if any one's reading this, if anyone's left
We're sorry for leaving things such a mess