I'll update this site once a year if it needs it or not

This is a design that Jason (the guy in my program who first came up with the idea to start Vanguard, before it was called Vanguard) and I came up with and worked on together. It was originally done as a Valentine's day cover for the horrible tawdry rag that passes for a school paper at Dawson, the Plant. The idea was to do a take on the pejorative "Bleeding Heart" as in "Bleeding Heart liberal", or "Bleeding Heart Activist". Basically, we wanted to do something that was a reclamation of that term, as if to say "Yes we are bleeding hearts, we care about what's going on in the world around us, and we can't ignore it anymore" This is my first collaborative artwork. Jay took the picture, which we staged together, then I drew the clothes, scanned them into the computer and super imposed them onto the photo's using photoshop. While I was doing that, Jay was using red ink to make blood patterns, which we then scanned in to the computer and applied to the figures. Then I chose the type, and put the finishing touches on the background ect. I think it turned out rather well. The plant of course, did not end up using it, given that it could be somewhat controversial, given the shootings that happened here. I somewhat respect their decision, despite my feelings that it's important to move on, I don't want to be a source of potential pain or trauma for anyone. Still, I would be more sympathetic to their position, if they hadn't printed an article in the very same issue that talks about the video game Super Columbine Massacre. I suppose freedom of the press, and freedom of speech are subjective. At any rate, I am still quite proud of the work we came up with, it's a departure for me somewhat, as I tend to rely more on computer generated imagery for my designs, rather than on my handskills. I'm starting to try to incorporate hand drawn images more and more. Let me know what you guys think.