This is the place where I say stuff. I promise not that it shall contain nuggets of truth, timeless wisdom, or even be at all sensical. It will most probably also not be witty and urbaine. If it is it's probably by accident. It will however be written by me, be spliced with my poetry and drawings, and it will rock. (maybe)

Monday, July 03, 2006

A happy poem about despair, fear and self doubt

Hey der.

I wrote this poem on one of those lazy, sunny, not a care in the world days
I started writing about how zen and peaceful i was feeling, when I started to question why that's such a contrast to any other day. This poem is the result. Enjoy:

Basking in the glory of
these moments of euphoria
The gentle warmth of sunshine
a breeze against my skin

Is this another story of
the thoughts that I've been storing up
till they start to overtake
the state of peace that I was in

It's in these moments of reflection
that I question the direction
that my life's been taking lately
Am I walking the right path?

Another chance for introspection
reveals a certain predilection
for allowing life to sweep me up
like wind catching the chaff

It's admidst this realization
that I am struck with the sensation
that I create my own emergency
by the way that I react

This isn't self actualization
or some breakthru meditation
It's just coming to accept
that my own head can be a trap

When life's daily aggravations
induce a state of agitation
I'm finding more often than not
the answers sitting in my lap

When I let the past control me
and there's nothing to console me
I am mixing my own poison
drinking deep in my regrets

What I need is greater Knowledge
Of the vastness of your Solace
Hold me fast in your embrace
it's still your touch that heals the best


Blogger bazooka radio said...

Very cool man. Wicked rhythm.


8:02 AM


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